Field Service & the Importance of Great Change Management

To remain relevant in today’s highly charged, competitive landscape, field service organizations need a change management framework to guarantee the success of their solution.
The Outcomes
Field Service & the Importance of Great Change Management

Some of the most successful companies are developing new ways to share knowledge across their network of technicians, streamline pricing, and optimize operational efficiencies… all with Salesforce Field Service

Do you find yourself constantly…

  • Managing a large, growing and changing number of assets in the field? 
  • Having to add 3rd party service providers as an alternative service resource? 
  • Not receiving enough performance data and customer feedback?

If so, Salesforce Field Service could be the answer!

Benefits for your technicians and service agents

  • Streamline communication, whether that is knowledge transferring (from your more experienced to less experienced technicians) or changes in routes, needs identified in the field, etc. 
  • Route them to the call the best suits them, with all the information needed to provide best-in-class service
  • Enhance their experience by making their day-to-day more seamless, increasing retention, and enabling them to provide better service

Benefits for your dispatchers

  • Decrease Drive Time - be on the road, less
  • Seamless and easy-to-understand interface, all connected on their mobile phone makes for  connected processes 
  • Automate manual & time consuming processes such as scheduling different routes, opening time to deal with more complex cases

Here’s how the leader in home workout equipment found success with Salesforce Field Service 

Business began to boom in 2018 for one popular home workout brand and equipment manufacturer, but after the holiday rush in 2019, they experienced explosive growth, quickly. They soon realized the need to scale their operations because they were quickly falling behind on fulfilling orders. In search of a cutting edge solution that could keep up with their growing operational demands, they turned to Salesforce and NeuraFlash. We soon implemented a robust Salesforce Field Service solution to optimize their delivery and appointment systems.

How could they get to all the appointments they needed to in one day?

How could they reduce the months of back-up?

Their Field Service solution was able to provide them with automated, optimized routes based on a large number of conditions. This reduced the travel time of their trucks by 50%, increased the utilization of their techs by 20% and better distributed their work across their techs, considering both skill and workload.

The results didn’t stop there! Our customer truly reimagined how their Field Service investment could continue to benefit their business, by investing in a self-service scheduling solution, the first of its kind. Using the power of Field Service, a B2C self-service booking model was formed, displaying real-time available appointment slots, going beyond just route optimization. Not only do they now provide differentiated service to their customers while optimizing their agents' time, but they have improved the member experience and can take upwards of 15,000 orders per hour. 

Outcomes they’ve seen:

  • 65% reduction in agent time spent on customer support 
  • 50% decrease in travel time
  • 20% increase in utilization 
  • Deflected over 30% of member support schedule appointments by allowing customers to serve themselves 
  • 3,000 orders per hour 

There’s a lot riding on a successful field service implementation. 

Organizations who are looking to operationalize, streamline processes, or are gearing up to scale are faced with the overwhelming task of transitioning from heavily manual and siloed processes to new cloud-based technology. 

Change can be overwhelming, even more so when failure to adopt the new processes and technology can drastically impact ROI on the technology that was supposed to make work easier. Though it seems like an overwhelming initiative, it won’t solve itself. That’s why NeuraFlash built a change management practice

Our goal isn’t to just build solutions for our customers, but we aim to inspire long lasting, revenue generating change! 

“Projects with Change Management are 6x more likely to meet objectives.” 

What is Change Management and how will it impact your Field Service implementation?

Change Management means proactively involving people in the change, bringing them along for the journey. This minimizes surprises, resistance, and frustration, creating a better employee experience. Here at NeuraFlash, we have an end-to-end strategy for ensuring field service success, which includes a structured process and a set of tools that supports your organization and your people to adopt and embrace the Salesforce Field Service technology. 

What’s included?

  • Unique branch by branch rollout strategies 
  • Tools to best communicate with a mobile and disparate workforce
  • High-touch, hands-on training
  • Creation of a go-live support network
  • A build of momentum to get into the rollout rhythm 

Let’s prepare for the road ahead, together.

Download our Playbook to learn more about our people first approach to guaranteeing Field Service success!

Why NeuraFlash

Our Salesforce Field Service practice leads have been working with the Salesforce Field Service product since inception, and thrive in complexity. We know every manufacturing customer is a unique blend of use cases, people, and differing technology stacks. We specialize in simplifying complexity into seamless solutions that drive business impact, and we want to help you! 

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