How Pairing Salesforce Field Service Scheduling Tools Gives Your Clients Fang-tastic Service Experiences

It’s that time of the year again when the leaves fall, pumpkins rule the earth, and every other house on the block seems like it could be haunted! Whether your clients are dealing with minor monster machine mischief or damages from a major witch’s curse, they will be looking to you for a quick fix.
But what happens when you are swamped and there just aren’t enough hours in the day?
Leaving your clients to find their own solutions could be disastrous for both your relationship and their dilemma. Instead of ghosting your clientele, consider the capabilities of Salesforce Field Service. With Salesforce Field Service, you have the power to be everywhere at once by pairing the scheduling capabilities with a video conferencing integration. Save your client and your team’s time by addressing your customer’s issues without leaving the comfort of your workshop, office, or home.
Yes, there are some fixes like burst pipes and major part replacements that will absolutely require your team to be on site. But for other fixes, your team can utilize the Salesforce Field Service scheduling tools to power virtual service experiences. Meet with your client, see the issue they are trying to address, and walk them through the steps to fix it in real time without ever being on site. As if by magic, you can save both your team’s and your client’s time, make time for more clients, and effectively solve the issue.
Like Dr. Frankenstein and Igor or Dracula and Renfield, every main character needs a sidekick. By pairing Salesforce Field Service dispatching and scheduling tools and seamless integrations to video conferencing tools, you can make sure that the correct technician based on skill set and/or specialty is always available, where they need to be, when they need to be so that the job is done right while maintaining a high touch and personalized service experience. If your client still needs help after the call, utilize Salesforce Field Service to schedule an onsite visit and dispatch a technician to follow-up as quickly as possible.
Not sure where Salesforce Field Service tools can make the difference for your company this Halloween? Like the Ghostbusters, NeuraFlash is here to help with your spooky software needs! Our team of experts knows how to properly solve pain points with Salesforce.
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